Why is it that every time I get really close to a Moho friend, I lose them. Either I tick them off and they stop talking to me, or they move to the other side of the country. Yes, we have phones and Facebook, but somehow it is just not the same.
All I can say to the two that still love me and still live here (you know who you are): if you ever move away from SLC, just be aware that I am coming with you.
Then there are other moho friends that our kids adore, but that have not come over for a long time. Either they can't face me because of the pain of knowing what I'm going through, or they are mad at Scott for some reason or another. Our 12-year-old was verbalizing a list of them the other day...
5 years ago
Sorry to hear that Sarah. I know the two you are talking about and they are both sweethearts!!! And the other one I know as well, though not quite as well as I would like. I can see their point though of not wanting to be in this state. It's hard to live here if you're gay and Mormon. There is no easy fix to the solution. Still trying to figure it all out myself. It's funny how friends go in and out of everyone's life. Just enjoy them while you can, because truly you never know when they may be gone. One day at a time...
It's been my experience, in my seemingly thousand years on this earth (okay, it's only been 57 years but it often FEELS like a thousand) that it's just part of life. People tend to come and go or in the least the dynamics of friendships and relationships tend to change over time. As a person who does not deal well with change and likes to avoid it at most costs these changes can be very disruptive to me. In general I like the stability of things remaining the same - although, "they" say we should use these changes as opportunities for growth. Okay. Whatever. I still don't like it!
If only Utah had a bigger film industry :(
I missed seeing you last time I was in Utah... Though I understand why it wasn't a good time.
Not ticked off at either of you yet... I miss Moho fellowship too, so if you're ever in the North Star State (yes, Ty stole it from us), give me a call...
What a bummer :(. I seriously don't know how I lived without close gay friends before moving to Houston... now I don't think I could live without them!
Sarah, I think you are fabulous!
We're sorry we live so far away!! We miss you!
I've actually never had close "Moho" friends, but I have recently moved away from some of my closest friends, and its been rough.
Not having a new friends to hang with has been great for my marriage, as it has given my wife and I a chance to interact more, but it gets hard ... a lot.
I'm enjoying your blog, Sarah. You are one remarkable woman! :)
I love you.
How do you have friends that are MOHO's? Is there a club that I am missing? How do you advertise for MOHO friends. I think I am being serious. If there are other MOHOS out there and they might be like me - I'm not a bad guy - then I would like to know them.
Cal, you (and your wife and kids too!) need to come to a party at our house. Good food and lots of Moho friends. Last Saturday of every month. Email me for our address and more details. Our kids love it when other kids come.
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