I have so many blog posts I want to write, and so little time. Maybe in a couple weeks when I have some time off from work...
In the meantime, I would like to invite everyone to a free performance that is a Christmas season must! Handel's Messiah.
My daughter and I are singing in a multi-stake production that I participated in for many years as a teenager. They have been doing it for 25 years, and it turned into such a big event that the Mayor of Midvale declared it to be a community event so that it could be held at a local school.
So, this year's performance is Sunday night, December 14th, 7:00 p.m. at Hillcrest High School. My daughter and I will be the ones dressed in black. :-) (along with everyone else...) Again, did I mention free? Hillcrest High School is located just east of 700 East off of 7500 South, Midvale, Salt Lake County, UT.
Let Scott know if you want to meet him somewhere. He will be taking my mom to the event while my dad tends the boys at his house.
5 years ago
I've always loved the Hallelujah Chorus. I haven't performed it in so long!
Good luck :)
Thanks! I love it too! Wish you could come.
I wanna come! Lol My dad did one of these last week. 5-stake function, the phil harmonic orchestra, the whole shebang.
Sarah! You're kidding. I WANT to come but I'm here in CO. My parents are coming here for Christmas.
Although I will miss your Messiah I will be in town the end of January or very beginning of February and I fully intent to call you and Scott!
Hidden and Damon:
Just listen to the CD Sunday Night and think of me! You can be here in spirit!
Meanwhile, the time will pass quickly until we can in fact meet.
Thanks for your support!
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